Spotlight Series | Chef

POSTED BY Sandra Cullen on August 09, 2023

Step into the world of refined indulgence as we proudly introduce the special individuals who make up our FLOCKHILL team. With a genuine passion for curating unforgettable experiences, these are the extraordinary people that make the magic happen...

Candidate two.
Craig - Native Kitchen

What is breakfast like in the morning?
Relaxing with a coffee in my garden, as I like to watch things grow and plan ahead for the seasons to come. I have a large potager garden that takes quite a bit of my time but the rewards are amazing.

What makes your day better?
Ticking all my boxes, there are always lots of boxes, but hay that’s what keeps you young. 

Favourite sport?
UFC! I like to watch it on my day off. I was a boxer for 11 years in my youth.

Is there anything that comes to mind that you will not do?

I will try anything once… but has to make me feel good.

Who would you like to meet that’s famous and why?

Rene Zepi from Noma restaurant. He is very inspiring and inspires me. I love his love for nature. We share the same philosophies when it comes to sustainability and ethical practices used in the kitchen.

