Mother's Day with FLOCKHILL

POSTED BY Sandra Cullen on May 14, 2023

ACTIVITIES are a part of the FLOCKHILL Experience, chosen to enrich your day. Cooking Development will be just one of the many onsite choices to devour during your stay in our new FLOCKHILL Lodge.

The FLOCKHILL Chefs with their artisan products, native ingredients and garden fresh produce will inspire, create and teach. They will pass on creative solutions and tips - a cheat sheet from those who have a passion for food.

I’m sure we all have a memory of our mother's cooking. Whether it is the burnt desecrated pot from trying to boil an egg or a favourite childhood creation. All chefs have a ‘mum dish’ tucked in the back of their minds that is crafted by the next generation.

Good on our mums for providing the memories, spending the time and sharing.

Praise be to mums … Happy Mother’s Day.

