Creativity with Hierarchy Group

POSTED BY Sandra Cullen on July 26, 2023

MAKE CREATIVITY DISCIPLINED is the Hierarchy Group catchphrase. One worthy of keeping in mind with such a large project taking place within FLOCKHILL Lodge.

Whether you’re ready to concept your ideas or halfway to completion it takes a great team of creative, disciplined and very excited people to bring the focal point of the Lodge into fruition. Great design is nothing if it can’t be realised. With considered objective, led creative, bespoke yet feasible solutions FLOCKHILL Sugarloaf Restaurant with its commercial purposes and liveable spaces will embrace you and connect you as an integral part of FLOCKHILL’s High Country Station experience.

Ashton and Wen it is a pleasure to work with you, the forefront of a great team.

Hierarchy Group of Architects -  Lets make it happen.

Craigieburn Valley


