Arriving at your Destination

POSTED BY Sandra Cullen on April 26, 2023

ARRIVING at your destination is a treat. Whether it be by helicopter, train or vehicle you are brought to the hub of FLOCKHILL Lodge - The Farmhouse.

The Farmhouse is a beautiful architecturally designed space that is home to the arrival lounge, restaurant and bar. The design has our guest's happiness as a priority. You arrive at the porte-cochère protected from the elements where we welcome you to the lodge and station.

Porte-cochère is a French word literally meaning ‘coach gateway’ allowing the coach to enter buildings from the street. The word suits the history of Flock Hill which dates back to 1857 when our stagecoach barn would do just that. There were three stage coaches a week, each with five horses heading east to west taking three days. They stopped to change the team of horses and drop the mail. Hospitality, sociability and good nature are a part of FLOCKHILL's DNA.

