The Night Sky

Each day, when the sun sets behind the mountains, we are blessed to watch the sky darken and the stars brighten.

From our remote location, surrounding clear skies and wide-open spaces make us free from light pollution. Our ever-changing view of the night sky showcases the Milky Way, the Southern Cross and other nearby galaxies and constellations. 

FLOCKHILL Homestead is an immaculate vantage point to unleash your imagination as you discover our neighbourhood in the universe and connect to the Southern hemisphere. Sit back in solace with a fire pit, hot beverages and open bar as you discover the star clusters, moons and distant galaxies above. The FLOCKHILL Homestead terrace offers the perfect positioning for a telescope, with a night sky app guiding you on a customised night safari.  

Stargazing at FLOCKHILL in the Southern Alps is an uplifting, illuminating experience, enlightening both the mind and the soul. 
