Environmental initiatives

We prioritise the protection of our environment, with initiatives in place to minimise our footprint, raise awareness and make an impact in our community.

Environmental Procedures

FLOCKHILL has established a series of guidelines to protect our environment, cutting across all aspects of our property, our policies and our day-to-day operations. 

Supporting sustainable and ethical businesses 

  • We only use environmentally sound guest supplies. 
  • We purchase from like-minded companies wherever possible. 
  • We purchase organic, local, artisan products for the lodge kitchen as much as possible. 

Doing our part with energy, water and waste

  • We separate all waste, with all recyclable and reusable waste taken to the Castle Hill recycling centre.
  • We use energy-efficient innovations in building design including stratified concrete walls and double glazing. 
  • We use energy-saving lightbulbs, heating thermostats and regulators and an induction plate.  
  • We use energy and water-efficient dishwashers. 
  • We have fitted all water closets, taps and showers with flow regulators and low consumption features. 
  • We regularly maintain all electrical equipment. 
  • We keep FLOCKHILL’s footprint to a minimum by taking laundry off site. 

Fostering a team of environment champions 

  • We engage and motivate FLOCKHILL employees by ensuring a part of their week includes work on our pest control program and wetlands preservation. 
  • We encourage our employees to adopt an environmentally friendly approach within their own households. 
  • We encourage our employees to advocate an environmentally sound approach in our community. 

Undertaking safe and sustainable housekeeping 

  • We supply eco-friendly cleaning materials. 
  • We train our staff to optimisour usage of materials and chemicals (using as much as necessary, as little as possible). 
  • We ensure all product descriptions and specifications are available for the cleaning materials used. 
  • We ensure all cleaning chemicals hold an environmental certificate. 
  • We keep all chemicals in a locked room. 

Engaging with our local community 

  • We support local community environment programs. 
  • We spread information in the community about the necessity of separating waste 
  • We support our community in efforts to restore and preserve historical sites. 

Sharing our conservation story 

  • We proudly promote our sustainability and pest control programs through public relations initiatives. 
  • We keep our measures and achievements both transparent and documented. 
  • We actively inform FLOCKHILL guests about our sustainability and pest control programs through our in-house compendiums and website. 

Inviting guests on our journey 

We encourage environmental awareness and invite our guests to join in our efforts and those of our local community 
